Do you know for sure if you died today that you would go to heaven?

If the answer is no, click here for a Bible message on how to know for sure you are going to Heaven.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hitchhikers are a blessing

I had the blessing of picking up a young family of three as they were hitchhiking home the other day.  As it turned out, they live in a village not far from my home so I was able to take them all the way to their destination in a matter of a just a few minutes.
As I made the short trip to Mala Subotica, I introduced myself and gave them gospel tracts and a brief introduction to the gospel along with all my contact information.
I am certainly hoping to see them again, and praying the Lord will direct them to the church this Wednesday at 7:00 or Sunday at 6:00!

On my way back from a witnessing trip over an hour and a half from home, I had the privilege to pick up another hitchhiker who was on her way to work.  As it turns out, she lives one hour from here, but attends a college during the week that is less that a ten minute walk from our church.  I am certainly hoping to see her again as well.

Praise the Lord for opportunities to meet new people and be a witness to them.


Tori Leslie said...

Who would have thought that hitch hikers could be such a blessing or is it the man who picks them up. Hmmm.

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