Do you know for sure if you died today that you would go to heaven?

If the answer is no, click here for a Bible message on how to know for sure you are going to Heaven.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Will You Be Someone's 1, 2 or 3?

I was gloriously and eternally saved by the grace of God through faith in the shed blood of my Saviour Jesus Christ when I was 7 years old.
Sadly, by the time I was 14 or 15, my heart had grown cold toward the Lord and I was not bringing glory to Him.
By the time I was 17, I was a runaway.
While working at a gas station in a nearby town, someone came in for gas and invited me to a local Independent Baptist Church. He was number 1. I thought, "That's real nice of you, but I am not going." The person who invited me may have thought their effort never mattered. Perhaps they were discouraged that I didn't show up.
Not long after that, someone else invited me to an Independent Baptist Church. Oddly enough, it was the same church. That was number 2. I thought, "That's real nice of you (and real interesting), but I'm not going." The person who invited me may have thought their effort never mattered. Perhaps they were discouraged that I didn't show up.
Not long after that, a lady drove into the station in a green Ford pickup with a flat tire, in a huge rush to get to work. She asked if I could air up the tire, and pleaded for forgiveness for not needing to buy gas. I gladly accommodated, not thinking too much of it.
After work, I drove down to the 7-11 on the corner to get a coke and some chips for dinner. Lo and behold, there was a green Ford pickup that once again had a flat tire.
Sure enough, the lady was a clerk at 7-11. I changed her tire for her while she worked. She was delighted that her husband would not have to drive to town to change it for her.
After a brief conversation, she invited me to a local Independent Baptist Church. Yes, it was the same church the other two people had invited me to. She was number 3. This time I thought, "God, if you will hold back the lightening strike, I will be in that church on Sunday. I get the message." Yes, I was in church on Sunday, and I have been in church for the last thirty years.
My Christian life hasn't been perfect and I am no super saint, or anything like that, but I rejoice in my God and do my best to honor and glorify Him.
He sent three people to get me back in the house of God, into a place where I could learn and grow and serve Him.
What if they had not opened their mouths? Where would I be?
The man who was number 1 might have thought his efforts were in vain, but without him there would have been no number 2 and no number 3.
Perhaps you invite people, perhaps you witness, and you think your efforts are in vain. Don't be discouraged. You never know what God is doing in the hearts of the people you encounter.
Sometimes you will be someone's 1, someone else's 2, and perhaps a 3 once in a while, but only if you open your mouth and speak to people.
By the way, I was a 17 year old runaway in ragged clothes. Please never pass up anyone because of their appearance. You never know what God is going to do. He's usually up to something.


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