Do you know for sure if you died today that you would go to heaven?

If the answer is no, click here for a Bible message on how to know for sure you are going to Heaven.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Glory to God!

Well Hallelujah!  We went out soulwinning this morning in the city of Varaždin, Croatia and encountered a young man named Neven in the town square.  Wouldn't you know it!  Neven needed someone to tell him how to be saved for all eternity.  Neven decided to quit trusting in his own goodness and start trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ, who gave himself to pay for all of Neven's sins.  Right then and there, in the town square, Neven bowed his head and asked Jesus to forgive his sins and save his eternal soul.  He decided it didn't matter what all the people in town thought.  He decided it only mattered what God thought. Let's all stand up and shout Hallelujah to the King of Kings!
My Croatian soulwinning partner also had someone get saved right there in town today.  I don't have his name, but God wrote it down in the Book of Life.  Praise the Lord. Amen.

In addition, I would like you to see some of the things I saw there in town today. Varaždin, like all of Croatia, is very beautiful and some of the sights amaze me.  As we walked through town I saw dates carved in some buildings.  As you can see from the photos, one building has 1783 while another had 1797.  Oh, and the one with the Roman numeral above the right side of the door,  that's 1656. Soulwinning opened the door that enabled me to come here and see these wonderful sights.


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