Do you know for sure if you died today that you would go to heaven?

If the answer is no, click here for a Bible message on how to know for sure you are going to Heaven.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Getting the Word out

Bro Scott Holcomb has a goal to put a copy of John and Romans and several gospel tracts in every mailbox in every village around Čakovec. Čakovec has already been done, so now we are going after all the surrounding communities.
In the photos are the Holcomb boys doing their part on a Thursday morning in the village of Belica. In a little under three hours, we were able to fill over 700 mailboxes with the Word of God and God's plan of salvation.

May God bless the distribution of His Word.

We look forward to the day when we know the language well enough to go back and knock every door and give a gospel witness to every one. In the mean time, we will do all we can.


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