As I stood with my gospel signs on the busiest corner in Cakovec during rush hour, a lady came up behind me and asked very boldly, “Why are you standing here like this?”
She went on to ask who I was and what church I am from. It was a golden opportunity to witness!
I told her I was standing there with those signs because the message they contain is truth from the Bible and God wants the message delivered. When I told her I am Independent Baptist, she turned her nose up and wagged her hand toward me and started to walk away. (There are lots of ugly rumors going around over here about Baptists.)
That’s when I said, “Wait a minute. Do you have a Bible?”
She said, “Of course I have a Bible.”
I told her she should look up the verses that were in the gospel tract I was holding out to her and explained that Baptists are Bible believers.
I said, “Jesus is God, and he is the only one who can save” and “God wants to save all these people because he loves them. That’s why I am here.”
I told her I speak to many people in Croatia who are without hope and I want them to know that God loves them and there is hope in Christ.
I asked her if she agreed with my sign that says, Christ died for our sins” and she said yes.
I asked her if she agreed with my sign that says, Only Jesus Saves, ye must be born again” and she said yes.
I asked her if she thought my sign that says, Where will you spend eternity?” was an important question and she said yes.
Then she said, “I could never stand here with a sign like that. I would be afraid.” I told her that I don’t fear the people, and I just want what God wants – to see people believe in Christ and be saved.
She became friendly again and told me she would read the tract and very pleasantly bid me farewell, going on her way to make a hospital visit.
Praise the Lord for a planted seed.
(The other things I am thankful for in this encounter is that it all took place in the Croatian language. As broken as my Croatian is, she was patient with me and we understood one another.)
Hey Bro. Sam,
All in Croatian??? Wow, that's awesome!
We're proud of you and all you're doing for Christ in Croatia.
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