The photo below is my precious brother in Christ, Mark Stephen Puckett. He is a rich blessing to my life. Although he lives in an apartment near the downtown area, he comes to the Baptist Rescue Mission service every Saturday. He speaks in Scripture verses and answers most comments and questions with a Scripture quote. He greets everyone with an enthusiastic, "Jesus Bless You!" followed by John 3:16. Brother Mark reads Scripture every week prior to the sermon, and does so with enthusiasm and gusto.

He walks all over town and ministers to people in nursing homes, preaches at bus terminals, and passes out his homemade "Scripture Picture Prayer Pages" with gospel tracts inside. I not only have the privilege of fellowshipping with Brother Mark, but I get the honor of taking him home after the service. The ride is always filled with Scripture quotes and the singing of hymns. Before he gets out of the car, we have a time of prayer.
This is a man in whom is the Spirit of the Living God, and I thank the Lord for making him a part of my life. "Thank You God for Mark Stephen Puckett!"
Great post Bro. Sam. Your photos tell so much about life on the streets and the real need we seldom see.
I so enjoyed seeing Mark's photo. I'm sure he has no idea how he's impacted the lives of others.
God Bless you Bro. Sam
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